Are you running your business, or is it running you?
I help small businesses go from chaos to clarity—getting the right people, framework, KPIs, and focus to drive real growth
Wandering Aimlessly?
Let’s put a vision on your GPS. If your team doesn’t get it, you won’t have growth. Align, define, & conquer with a clear Roadmap.
Square Pegs in Round Holes?
Let’s fix the team puzzle by getting the right people in the right seats. When your team is dialed in, you are ready to conquer anything.
Flying Blind?
Gut decisions are fun - until they are costly. Guessing won’t cut it. Let’s turn insights into action. Measure it, track it, smash your goals.
Stuck in an Issue Loop?
Unresolved problems lead to frustration and stalled progress. Create a process to identify, discuss, solve, repeat.
Who’s Got the Ball?
Not having an accountability structure can lead to confusion, missed deadlines & dropped responsibilities. No accountability - no results.
Constantly Fighting Fires?
Being in reactive mode is exhausting and keeps you stuck. Plan ahead, stay ahead with regular, structured planning and issue-solving.
How I Can Help:
Let’s sit down and go over the high-level areas of your business, such as:
the current state of the business
pain points & challenges
Then we can discuss how we might want to move forward.
I will run a 360 audit on your business that will include:
Analyzing past financials & trends
Assessing current goals, processes, & resources
Understanding the current pain points & challenges
After understanding the state of the business, I will build a 3-month plan that will provide a solid path to move the company forward.
This includes everything in the Starter Pack, plus the development of a 12-month Plan that includes:
Defining a 12-month Goal
Defining a detailed Profit Roadmap to reach the Goal
Defining quarterly milestones with measurement metrics
This package will put you on a solid footing to understand where you want to go and exactly how to get there.
This package includes everything in the Plus Pack, plus:
Monthly check-ins for 6 months
Roadmap optimizations
Definition of team member quarterly milestones and metrics
This is a comprehensive package that will put you on your way to success!
I am an entrepreneur with a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering who loves turning big ideas into successful businesses.
I was the founder & CEO of Mohu, the Cord Cutting Company that invented the best-selling paper-thin Leaf antenna. We revolutionized the way people watched TV and sold over 1,000,000 antennas per year to all major retailers, including Best Buy, Walmart, Target, Sam's Club, and Amazon.
Mohu was acquired in January 2020.
Over the course of 30 years of building businesses, I realized that one of the biggest challenges of running a high-growth business was setting and hitting a goal.
No process ever seemed to work well: small team planning, one person planning, "do the best we can" approach, offsite planning, strategy facilitators, or back of the napkin.
Any goal and plan seemed to be irrelevant and outdated in weeks, causing everyone to snap back into scramble mode quickly.
I’ve found that the only way to scale growth is to use a Dynamic Profit Roadmap (DPR) that provides a clear, precise view of what’s happening with your business based on real-time information. A DPR is a guide that is updated as the marketplace and business change so you can make calculated and informed business decisions consistently.
A Dynamic Profit Roadmap places profitability at the heart of your efforts so that you can easily understand your profit tomorrow, next week, or next month.
Get in touch
Is your business driving you crazy?
Let’s build a Plan for Success